文本对图像综合的症结很大,源于保持输入文本和合成图像之间的跨模式语义一致性的困难。试图直接建模文本图像映射的典型方法只能在文本中捕获指示常见对象或动作但无法学习其空间分布模式的文本中的关键字。规避此限制的一种有效方法是生成图像布局作为指导,这是通过一些方法尝试的。然而,由于输入文本和对象位置的多样性,这些方法无法生成实际有效的布局。在本文中,我们推动在文本到图像生成和布局到图像合成中进行有效的建模。具体而言,我们将文本到序列生成作为序列到序列建模任务,并在变压器上构建我们的模型,以通过对它们之间的顺序依赖性进行建模,以了解对象之间的空间关系。在布局到图像合成的阶段,我们专注于在布局中每个对象中的每个对象学习文本 - 视觉对齐,以精确地将输入文本纳入布局到图像构图合成过程。为了评估生成的布局的质量,我们设计了一个新的度量标准,称为布局质量得分,该评分既考虑了布局中边界框的绝对分布误差,又考虑了它们之间的相互空间关系。在三个数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们的方法优于最先进的方法,既可以预测布局和从给定文本综合图像。
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联合学习(FL)使大量优化的优势计算设备(例如,移动电话)联合学习全局模型而无需数据共享。在FL中,数据以分散的方式产生,具有高异质性。本文研究如何在联邦设置中对统计估算和推断进行统计估算和推理。我们分析所谓的本地SGD,这是一种使用间歇通信来提高通信效率的多轮估计过程。我们首先建立一个{\ IT功能的中央极限定理},显示了本地SGD的平均迭代弱融合到重新定位的布朗运动。我们接下来提供两个迭代推断方法:{\ IT插件}和{\ IT随机缩放}。随机缩放通过沿整个本地SGD路径的信息构造推断的渐近枢转统计。这两种方法都是通信高效且适用于在线数据。我们的理论和经验结果表明,本地SGD同时实现了统计效率和通信效率。
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This paper focuses on designing efficient models with low parameters and FLOPs for dense predictions. Even though CNN-based lightweight methods have achieved stunning results after years of research, trading-off model accuracy and constrained resources still need further improvements. This work rethinks the essential unity of efficient Inverted Residual Block in MobileNetv2 and effective Transformer in ViT, inductively abstracting a general concept of Meta-Mobile Block, and we argue that the specific instantiation is very important to model performance though sharing the same framework. Motivated by this phenomenon, we deduce a simple yet efficient modern \textbf{I}nverted \textbf{R}esidual \textbf{M}obile \textbf{B}lock (iRMB) for mobile applications, which absorbs CNN-like efficiency to model short-distance dependency and Transformer-like dynamic modeling capability to learn long-distance interactions. Furthermore, we design a ResNet-like 4-phase \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{MO}del (EMO) based only on a series of iRMBs for dense applications. Massive experiments on ImageNet-1K, COCO2017, and ADE20K benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our EMO over state-of-the-art methods, \eg, our EMO-1M/2M/5M achieve 71.5, 75.1, and 78.4 Top-1 that surpass \textbf{SoTA} CNN-/Transformer-based models, while trading-off the model accuracy and efficiency well.
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Decompilation aims to transform a low-level program language (LPL) (eg., binary file) into its functionally-equivalent high-level program language (HPL) (e.g., C/C++). It is a core technology in software security, especially in vulnerability discovery and malware analysis. In recent years, with the successful application of neural machine translation (NMT) models in natural language processing (NLP), researchers have tried to build neural decompilers by borrowing the idea of NMT. They formulate the decompilation process as a translation problem between LPL and HPL, aiming to reduce the human cost required to develop decompilation tools and improve their generalizability. However, state-of-the-art learning-based decompilers do not cope well with compiler-optimized binaries. Since real-world binaries are mostly compiler-optimized, decompilers that do not consider optimized binaries have limited practical significance. In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based approach named NeurDP, that targets compiler-optimized binaries. NeurDP uses a graph neural network (GNN) model to convert LPL to an intermediate representation (IR), which bridges the gap between source code and optimized binary. We also design an Optimized Translation Unit (OTU) to split functions into smaller code fragments for better translation performance. Evaluation results on datasets containing various types of statements show that NeurDP can decompile optimized binaries with 45.21% higher accuracy than state-of-the-art neural decompilation frameworks.
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Image Virtual try-on aims at replacing the cloth on a personal image with a garment image (in-shop clothes), which has attracted increasing attention from the multimedia and computer vision communities. Prior methods successfully preserve the character of clothing images, however, occlusion remains a pernicious effect for realistic virtual try-on. In this work, we first present a comprehensive analysis of the occlusions and categorize them into two aspects: i) Inherent-Occlusion: the ghost of the former cloth still exists in the try-on image; ii) Acquired-Occlusion: the target cloth warps to the unreasonable body part. Based on the in-depth analysis, we find that the occlusions can be simulated by a novel semantically-guided mixup module, which can generate semantic-specific occluded images that work together with the try-on images to facilitate training a de-occlusion try-on (DOC-VTON) framework. Specifically, DOC-VTON first conducts a sharpened semantic parsing on the try-on person. Aided by semantics guidance and pose prior, various complexities of texture are selectively blending with human parts in a copy-and-paste manner. Then, the Generative Module (GM) is utilized to take charge of synthesizing the final try-on image and learning to de-occlusion jointly. In comparison to the state-of-the-art methods, DOC-VTON achieves better perceptual quality by reducing occlusion effects.
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In recent years, the Transformer architecture has shown its superiority in the video-based person re-identification task. Inspired by video representation learning, these methods mainly focus on designing modules to extract informative spatial and temporal features. However, they are still limited in extracting local attributes and global identity information, which are critical for the person re-identification task. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-Stage Spatial-Temporal Aggregation Transformer (MSTAT) with two novel designed proxy embedding modules to address the above issue. Specifically, MSTAT consists of three stages to encode the attribute-associated, the identity-associated, and the attribute-identity-associated information from the video clips, respectively, achieving the holistic perception of the input person. We combine the outputs of all the stages for the final identification. In practice, to save the computational cost, the Spatial-Temporal Aggregation (STA) modules are first adopted in each stage to conduct the self-attention operations along the spatial and temporal dimensions separately. We further introduce the Attribute-Aware and Identity-Aware Proxy embedding modules (AAP and IAP) to extract the informative and discriminative feature representations at different stages. All of them are realized by employing newly designed self-attention operations with specific meanings. Moreover, temporal patch shuffling is also introduced to further improve the robustness of the model. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules in extracting the informative and discriminative information from the videos, and illustrate the MSTAT can achieve state-of-the-art accuracies on various standard benchmarks.
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It has been observed in practice that applying pruning-at-initialization methods to neural networks and training the sparsified networks can not only retain the testing performance of the original dense models, but also sometimes even slightly boost the generalization performance. Theoretical understanding for such experimental observations are yet to be developed. This work makes the first attempt to study how different pruning fractions affect the model's gradient descent dynamics and generalization. Specifically, this work considers a classification task for overparameterized two-layer neural networks, where the network is randomly pruned according to different rates at the initialization. It is shown that as long as the pruning fraction is below a certain threshold, gradient descent can drive the training loss toward zero and the network exhibits good generalization performance. More surprisingly, the generalization bound gets better as the pruning fraction gets larger. To complement this positive result, this work further shows a negative result: there exists a large pruning fraction such that while gradient descent is still able to drive the training loss toward zero (by memorizing noise), the generalization performance is no better than random guessing. This further suggests that pruning can change the feature learning process, which leads to the performance drop of the pruned neural network. Up to our knowledge, this is the \textbf{first} generalization result for pruned neural networks, suggesting that pruning can improve the neural network's generalization.
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This work studies training one-hidden-layer overparameterized ReLU networks via gradient descent in the neural tangent kernel (NTK) regime, where, differently from the previous works, the networks' biases are trainable and are initialized to some constant rather than zero. The first set of results of this work characterize the convergence of the network's gradient descent dynamics. Surprisingly, it is shown that the network after sparsification can achieve as fast convergence as the original network. The contribution over previous work is that not only the bias is allowed to be updated by gradient descent under our setting but also a finer analysis is given such that the required width to ensure the network's closeness to its NTK is improved. Secondly, the networks' generalization bound after training is provided. A width-sparsity dependence is presented which yields sparsity-dependent localized Rademacher complexity and a generalization bound matching previous analysis (up to logarithmic factors). As a by-product, if the bias initialization is chosen to be zero, the width requirement improves the previous bound for the shallow networks' generalization. Lastly, since the generalization bound has dependence on the smallest eigenvalue of the limiting NTK and the bounds from previous works yield vacuous generalization, this work further studies the least eigenvalue of the limiting NTK. Surprisingly, while it is not shown that trainable biases are necessary, trainable bias helps to identify a nice data-dependent region where a much finer analysis of the NTK's smallest eigenvalue can be conducted, which leads to a much sharper lower bound than the previously known worst-case bound and, consequently, a non-vacuous generalization bound.
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Deep learning has been widely used for protein engineering. However, it is limited by the lack of sufficient experimental data to train an accurate model for predicting the functional fitness of high-order mutants. Here, we develop SESNet, a supervised deep-learning model to predict the fitness for protein mutants by leveraging both sequence and structure information, and exploiting attention mechanism. Our model integrates local evolutionary context from homologous sequences, the global evolutionary context encoding rich semantic from the universal protein sequence space and the structure information accounting for the microenvironment around each residue in a protein. We show that SESNet outperforms state-of-the-art models for predicting the sequence-function relationship on 26 deep mutational scanning datasets. More importantly, we propose a data augmentation strategy by leveraging the data from unsupervised models to pre-train our model. After that, our model can achieve strikingly high accuracy in prediction of the fitness of protein mutants, especially for the higher order variants (> 4 mutation sites), when finetuned by using only a small number of experimental mutation data (<50). The strategy proposed is of great practical value as the required experimental effort, i.e., producing a few tens of experimental mutation data on a given protein, is generally affordable by an ordinary biochemical group and can be applied on almost any protein.
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Purpose: Tracking the 3D motion of the surgical tool and the patient anatomy is a fundamental requirement for computer-assisted skull-base surgery. The estimated motion can be used both for intra-operative guidance and for downstream skill analysis. Recovering such motion solely from surgical videos is desirable, as it is compliant with current clinical workflows and instrumentation. Methods: We present Tracker of Anatomy and Tool (TAToo). TAToo jointly tracks the rigid 3D motion of patient skull and surgical drill from stereo microscopic videos. TAToo estimates motion via an iterative optimization process in an end-to-end differentiable form. For robust tracking performance, TAToo adopts a probabilistic formulation and enforces geometric constraints on the object level. Results: We validate TAToo on both simulation data, where ground truth motion is available, as well as on anthropomorphic phantom data, where optical tracking provides a strong baseline. We report sub-millimeter and millimeter inter-frame tracking accuracy for skull and drill, respectively, with rotation errors below 1{\deg}. We further illustrate how TAToo may be used in a surgical navigation setting. Conclusion: We present TAToo, which simultaneously tracks the surgical tool and the patient anatomy in skull-base surgery. TAToo directly predicts the motion from surgical videos, without the need of any markers. Our results show that the performance of TAToo compares favorably to competing approaches. Future work will include fine-tuning of our depth network to reach a 1 mm clinical accuracy goal desired for surgical applications in the skull base.
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